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Nobita Nobi is a fourth grader who constantly gets failing grades in his subjects due to his laziness and is always bullied by his classmates Suneo Honekawa and Takeshi 'Gian' Goda. His great-great grandson from the 22nd century Sewashi, who watches him everyday, travels to Nobita's timeline while bringing along his robotic cat Doraemon.
Sewashi reveals that if Nobita keeps up his act, he will have a disastrous future: he will marry Gian's sister Jaiko, have his private company burned down, and will be left with a great debt.

Crayon Shinchan All Hindi Episodes Download/Watch Online Series Info Name: Crayon Shin Chan Release Year: 1992 Synopsis: An Animation series following the adventures of a 5-year old boy named Shin-Chan, living with his family and friends in the Kasukabe city of Japan.