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Oct 31, 2017 - Xbox One Backwards Compatibility games list All Xbox 360 games playable on Xbox One. MICROSOFTS Backwards Compatibility program.
Here's a list for English classEnglish Class 1: The letters are 'ELMOLW' and you need 7 words to pass the class. Unfaithfully yours torrent download. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Ell, Elm, Low, Mel, Mew, Mol, Mow, Ole, Owe, Owl, Lowe, Meow, Mewl, Mole, Moll, Well, Mellow.English Class 2: The letters are 'THFSGI' and you need 14 words to pass.
Here are words that can be created from those letters: Fig, Fit, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Figs, Fish, Fist, Fits, Gift, Gist, Hits, Sift, Shit, Sigh, This, Fight, Gifts, Shift, Sight, Fights.English Class 3: The letters are 'ELISSM' and you need 15 words to pass. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Elm, Ism, Lei, Lie, Mil, Elms, Isle, Isms, Leis, Less, Lies, Lime, Mess, Mile, Mils, Miss, Semi, Sims, Slim, Isles, Limes, Miles, Seism, Semis, Slime, Slims, Smile, Slimes, Smiles.English Class 4: The letters are 'RAOCYN' and you need 19 words to pass.

Here are words that can be created from those letters: Any, Arc, Can, Car, Cay, Con, Coy, Cry, Nay, Nor, Oar, Ran, Ray, Roc, Yon, Corn, Cory, Cyan, Narc, Racy, Roan, Yarn, Acorn, Corny, Crony, Rayon, Crayon.English Class 5: The letters are 'DGRAGE' and you need 22 words to pass. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Age, Are, Dag, Ear, Egg, Era, Erg, Gad, Gag, Rag, Red, Aged, Dare, Dear, Drag, Dreg, Egad, Gage, Gear, Grad, Rage, Read, Agger, Grade, Raged, Dagger, Ragged. The achievement ‘Smell Ya Later’ is obtained by hitting 25 people with stink bombs. Find, buy, or make some stink bombs at your chemistry set, and go to a spot where a lot of people hang out.
On campus, that would be the greaser hangout by the Auto Shop. When the classes have ended, there are usually a large number of greasers there at the same time. Find a group of 3 or more people, target the person in the middle, and throw the bomb. Hitting many people at the same time is a double-edged sword. The good thing is, you’ll earn the achievement quicker.
The bad thing is, you’ll get a lot of people after you, so make sure you run for it once you hit all the people. If you beaten the game, but not sure why you don’t have 100% be sure you did these things: Completed all classes to level 5Collected all rubber bands/G+G cards/GnomesComplete all bike racesCompleted all Go Kart Races (unlocking the kart itself)Completed All Distance achievements (100km on bike and foot, 50km on skateboard)Purchased all clothes (you will unlock the gold Elvis outfit, remember to buy all the clothes from the school shop, easy to miss that one. These are rewards you get after you pass these classes Geography 1: unlocks the Eiffel Tower Hat in Jimmy's wardrobe. Geography 2: unlocks the Racing Hat in Jimmy's wardrobe, and allows you to view the locations of any uncollected rubber bands on your in-game map.Geography 3: Unlocks Panda outfit and G&G card viability on map.Geography 4: unlocks the Pith Helmet in Jimmy's wardrobe, and allows you to view the locations of any uncollected transistors on your in-game map.Geography 5: unlocks the Explorer Outfit in Jimmy's wardrobe, and allows you to view the locations of any uncollected gnomes on your in-game map. Bike helmet: Win a bike race. Bike shorts: Ride 100 km on a bike.
Are you kidding me? Skidrow games crack. Any FAMOUS game gets cracked in 2 weeks or so, if Chaos Theory was cracked after 400+ days it’s because there weren’t enough people interested in it; compare to countless other games that get zero-day cracks or at least cracked in a week. Anyway, yet another proof that Ubisoft has sailed on the DRM failboat.
Black cowboy hat: Give a homeless man spare change in Bullworth. Black Ninja costume: Completely fill your yearbook. Black skate shoes: Walk at least 50 km. BMX Champion costume: Successfully complete a bike race. Boxing costume: Successfully complete the Boxing Challenge or Prep Challenge in Chapter 2.
Burglar mask: Found in a locker on Halloween. Cheerful reindeer sweater: Found in the school office during the winter. Crash helmet: Finish in first place in the Kart Race at the Carnival. Dunce cap: Fail three classes in a row. Edna mask: Destroy all nineteen tombstones. Fast Food costume: Successfully complete the Burger Joint errand in Bullworth Vale. Firefighter's helmet: Pull the fire alarm twenty times.
Graduation hat: Successfully complete all five levels in all of your classes. Gnome costume: Smash all the garden gnomes.