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• Wu, Junnian; Wang, Ruiqi; Pu, Guangying; Qi, Hang 2016-01-01 Highlights: • Exergy, energy and CO_2 emissions assessment of iron and steel industrial network. • Effects of industry symbiosis measures on exergy, energy and CO_2 emissions. • Exploring the environmental impact from exergy losses.
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• The overall performance indexes are proposed for iron and steel industrial network. • Sinter strand and the wet quenching process have the lowest exergy efficiency. - Abstract: Intensive energy consumption and high pollution emissions in the iron and steel industry have caused problems to the energy system, in the economy, and in the environment. Iron and steel industrial network as an example of energy conservation and emissions reduction, require better analysis and assessment. The present study comprehensively assesses an iron and steel industrial network and its environmental performance with respect to exergy, energy and CO_2 emissions.
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The results show that the sinter strand needs to be greatly improved and the wet quenching process needs to be completely redesigned. The overall exergy efficiency and energy efficiency can be improved by adopting industrial symbiosis (IS) measures. We found that adjusting the energy structure to use renewable energy and recycling solid waste can greatly reduce CO_2 emissions. Moreover, the maximum exergy losses occurred in the blast furnace with the maximum CO_2 emissions. The iron making plant exerted a strong effect on the environment based on the equivalent CO_2 emission potentials.
Many performance indicators of the entire industrial network were also examined in this work. It can be seen that integrated evaluation of energy and CO_2 emissions with exergy is necessary to help to mitigate adverse environmental impacts and more effectively fulfill the goals for energy conservation and emissions reduction. • Vieillard-Baron, B. 1977-01-01 The aim is to show how the high alloy steel manufacturers in France attempted to meet increasing demand by the electronuclear industries by the design and development at moderate cost and within a rather short period, of high level products intended to meet specific requirements. In this prospect, the qualitative and quantitative requirements are determined, the evolutions of the working methods connected to the design and manufacture of steel products are analysed. The economic implications which resulted and a few examples of the manufacture of particularly well suited products are evoked [fr • Mohammad Reza Soltani 2013-06-01 Full Text Available Cost reduction is one of the methods applied for improving the productivity of organizations. In productivity literature, particularly in nonparametric methods, cost reduction related methods are regarded as input oriented models.
This paper presents a Supply Chain Management (SCM model in which purchasing iron ore and coke from different resources, along with production and distribution of steel products were investigated to improve the productivity of a steel making plant in Iran. The model was designed based on a single objective concept with a focus on total cost minimization. The constraints of the model consisted principal restriction concerning mines, coke plant and products. The model was implemented in steel factories (blast furnace affiliated with Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO.The results showed that the priority for providing iron ore should be given to Iran Central Iron Ore Company (ICIOC which has enough production capacity to satisfy the required ores. The results further suggested that at the best productivity condition, Isfahan steel plant should focus on the beam and bar production. The other plants, i.e. Zagros plant, should focus on L-beam and slab and finally Meibod steel plant should concentrate on slab production.

It was also showed that the coke production plants cannot supply the required tonnage of the steel plants. Therefore, some new plants should be established to achieve self-sufficiency in this industry. This model can be used as a support tool for decision-makers at strategic and tactical decision levels.