Star Trek Bridge Commander Patch Deutsch Englisch

I tried changing the language from German to English multiple times, but it was greyed out no matter where I was. The solution is to change two settings in the Windows registry. It's an easy fix, but please be careful when you mess around with your registry! Run 'regedit' from the start menu search field. Then hit CTRL+F and type 'star trek', check only the box that says 'keys' and start the search. You will come to a key (looks like a folder) called 'Star Trek Bridge Crew', but this may not be the correct one. The key we want has several DWORD values (blue icons) inside (on the right panel of the editor).
If you don't see these, hit F3 to keep searching until the editor arrives at the proper key. Now you will see two DWORD values, called 'language_something' and 'matchmakingLanguage_something'. These will probably say '0x0000000b' if your game is German right now. For other languages it will be other values. The one you want for English is 0x00000008.
Star Trek Bridge Commander Was cleaning out my closet the other day, and found my old Bridge Commander disc. I love this game and hadn't played it in about 8 years before now. This mod has been set to hidden by its author. The reason given by the author is: Game Front is now back online. Due to issues with other websites,.
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If you don't see that value, then double-click the DWORD and enter '8' into the text field, then click OK. Do that for the 'language_xxx' DWORD to only change the game language, and also do it for 'matchmakingLanguage_xxx' if you want your matchmaking to be international. The restart the game and you should be good.
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