Microsoft Encarta 2016 Torrent

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Aug 28, 2018 - No specific info about version 16.0. Please visit the main page of Microsoft Encarta - Premium + on Software Informer. Share your experience.

Alternative Title: “Microsoft Encarta Multimedia Encyclopedia” Encarta, in full Microsoft Encarta Multimedia Encyclopedia, multimedia digital encyclopaedia produced by Microsoft Corporation (1993–2009). Initially a CD-ROM product, the Encarta brand later expanded to include an Internet-based incarnation and was bundled with other Microsoft products. The possibility of a digital encyclopaedia was first discussed at Microsoft in 1985. The company approached a range of reference publishers before signing a nonexclusive contract with Funk & Wagnalls to use their 29-volume New Encyclopedia in establishing a database in 1989. The project, however, was put on hold in 1990 due to concerns about the commercial viability of the product. After efforts resumed (100 of 513 words).