Huawei Firmware Update Wizard

Huawei E5885 current firmware backup manual. • Download, which will copy proper busybox into /system/busybox and enable telnetd on your device (will add additional line into /system/
Try to generate firmware update code by dc-unlocker by selecting other huawei modem and entering your modem imei. Maybe code will work.
• neo-geo.rom > vs-bios.rom • ng-lo.rom > 000-lo.lo • ng-sfix.rom > sfix.sxf • ng-sm1.rom > delete, not needed Step 5 Copy the renamed BIOS files to your SD card, in NeoGeo > roms. The roms folder was already part of the GNGeo2x zip, so it should have been there along with a readme file telling you to put the BIOS files there. Neo-sm1.rom → sm1.sm1 (CRC:97cf99b) 拡張子の変更も忘れずに行ってください。 新たに追加になったBIOS ROMは、従来通り''として一つにまとめ. Geo is a port of the open- source Gn. Neo-Geo Rom Download for MAME at ROMNation.NET. 100% secure downloads. Geo emulator, originally coded by pepone. This is a Neo- Geo AES/MVS emulator. Updates about this project can be found on the Google Code Page for Gx. For NeoGeo games to run, you need to have the BIOS. The BIOS is composed of three files: NEO-GEO.ROM, NG-SFIX.ROM and NG-LO.ROM You must put them in a zip named NEOGEO.ZIP, which you have to store in one of your roms directories. Ng-sfix.rom Having these 4 ROMs in every single NEO-GEO set means having a lot of redundant files, so it was decided to store them in a separated file, what would be called a BIOS file, and when running one of the NEO-GEO games, MAME will look for those ROMs in the BIOS file.
Use it only on E5885, not on other device! • Load it using. • After loading, wait about one minute, disconnect device from the computer and power off the device holding power button for ~15 seconds. • Insert MicroSD card to the device and power it on. • telnet 2323 • /system/busybox sh mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard cd /sdcard mkdir mtdblocks cd mtdblocks for i in `seq 0 27`; do cat /dev/block/mtdblock$i > mtdblock$i; done cd.
Mkdir nanddump cd nanddump for i in `seq 0 27`; do nanddump -f mtd$i /dev/mtd/mtd$i; done for i in `seq 0 27`; do nanddump -o -f mtdoob$i /dev/mtd/mtd$i; done cd. Tar cf files.tar /system /app /data /root /modem_log /modem_fw /online /mnvm2:0 cat /proc/mtd > procmtd cat /proc/kallsyms > kallsyms mount > mount cd / umount /sdcard • That's it. All files should be on MicroSD card.