Bonetown Mods Spin

7 of the 9 maps of the game offer a collectible campaign, rewarding the collector with a special unique weapon if they find all 25 of the collectible. Each of the 7 maps have different collectibles, and each reward is unique, in both appearance and strength. Location: This is the map/level where the collectible campaign takes place Collection Object: This is the collectible you are searching for Reward: This is the special unique weapon you are rewarded with after finding all 25 of the collectible. Strength Modifier: This is the additional overall strength your character gets when equipped with this weapon.

Reward Location: Since the spawning location of the reward can be difficult to locate on some maps/levels, this is a detailed description of each reward's location. Missionary Beach - On the cliffs that run alongside the long road. The easiest way I found to get up there is to go to the far end by the car tunnel and use your bong to jump on top of the 2nd to last lamppost.
Then, do the combination bong rip/crack blast to get on top of the cliff. Then just run along the grassy area and you will see her eventually. An alternate route that requires a little less precision is to get on top of the “1/2 Off Bikinis” sign slightly further down from the car tunnel, up against the cliff. Then face the cliff, take a bong rip, and crack blast charge the top of the cliff. A couple of tries and you'll get it. Gabacho Heights - This one was tricky.
Near the car tunnel area, behind the bus stop to Missionary Beach, there is a little beach looking area next to the water. Wade into the water until you're almost deep enough that your breath meter appears. Face the closest outcropping of land on the other side, then take a bong rip and start jumping. You can see through the water that the ground below you will eventually run out and become a deep chasm, so when you get close to the chasm (at this point your breath should be running low from bounding in and out of the water), take one last jump and use your crack blast. You should make it to the other side. A couple more bong rips will get you to the top of the hills and you'll find another girl up there.
Downtown Bonetown - I was exploring a bit after completing the game, and realized I could actually jump to the top of the RJ tower by advancing a few floors in each jump and some acrobatic steering in midair. My curiosity/insanity was rewarded with this: The girl got boned and a weapon spawned by the sign. Didn't take any screenshots of it, but it was a cane of sorts. Not very powerful, but kind of amusing. Thanks go to Sensible Viking from the for providing the RJ tower content. Raschet barabannoj sushilki kursovaya.
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Here's a picture of the weapon.