Artikel Tentang Kedisiplinan Siswa

Discipline is a compulsary subject in school because without the discipline, the process of teaching-learning will not be optimal. Student discipline can be achieved by increasing students' learning discipline in class. Discipline Training is expected to increase the discipline of students in the learning process in class. This research using untreated control group design with dependent pre-test and post-test sample method. Data taken using a scale of students' learning discipline.Participantsofthis study are 30 students in junior high school, aged 13 - 15 years. 15 subjects were the control group and 15 subjects were the experimental group.
Manfaat kedisiplinan siswa Manfaat kedisiplinan adalah membuat siswa menjadi lebih tertib dan teratur dalam menjalankan kehidupannya, serta siswa juga dapat mengerti bahwa kedisiplinan itu amat sangat penting bagi masa depannya kelak, karena dapat membangun kepribadian siswa yang kokoh dan bisa diharapkan berguna bagi semua pihak.
Data analysis using anava mixed design. Results showed increased significant in the experimental group, before and after training given.
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